CD and DVD drives benchmark

Tests how your CD-ROM/DVD drive and controller compares to other CD-ROM/DVD drives in a typical system.

Consists of Random access and Sequential reading tests.

For the test, a 600MB+ data disk is required which contains large (64MB+) data files. Data disks which contain MPEG, MOV, AVI or large databases are suitable. A full VideoCD or DVD movie disk is recommended for thorough testing. Otherwise the results may have a higher degree of inaccuracy.

Before benchmarking you should select tested drive and file. Benchmark is unable to test your drive without a CD or DVD inserted in your drive.

For benchmark simple push Sequential Read or Random Access button. The Rescan drives button is used to select benchmarked drive a file on the CD inserted in the drive.

In some versions of Microsoft« Windows you can select Sync/Async reading for the test. In the others it is detected automatically by the program.

There is a graph drawn during benchmarking of drives.

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